Saturday, 31 July 2021


modified by Dieter from Rasa Malaysia

Plain naan with the batter going
into the hot pan

Follow the recipe at the link above, but use vegan plain yogurt rather than dairy yogurt. We like to add schwarzkümmel (thanks Freddy!)

Instructions on how to fry:
  • Pour 1T sunflower oil into a frying pan and get the pan really hot
  • The dough is more runny than normal bread dough. Use a spatula to break off a handful sized piece of dough and put it into the frying pan
  • After 3 seconds, quickly flip the dough over. Then use the spatula to press it down and make it flat. Add whatever spices (e.g., schwarzkümmel) to the top
  • Let it fry on that side for a few minutes until that side is crispy and the dough has formed bubbles on the side you can see
  • Flip if over and fry until the other side is crispy

Naan with schwarzkümmel