By Dieter
100g broad beans / dicke Bohnen (gekocht, aus einer Dose/Glas) (dried beans makes 500g hummus)
4T white sesame seeds / weisse Sesamsamen
2t coriander powder / Korianderpulver
2t black pepper / schwarzer Pfeffer
1t salt / Salz
2t lime or lemon juice / Limetten- oder Zitronensaft
5T olive oil / Olivenöl
10T water / Wasser
100g broad beans / dicke Bohnen (gekocht, aus einer Dose/Glas) (dried beans makes 500g hummus)
5T olive oil / Olivenöl
10T water / Wasser
3T tomato puree / Tomatenpuree
2T coriander stems / Feste Teile des Korianders
1T cinnamon / Zimt
1T cumin / Kreuzkümmel
1T cayenne pepper / Cayenne-Pfeffer
1T coriander powder / Korianderpulver
1t salt / Salz
100g broad beans / dicke Bohnen (gekocht, aus einer Dose/Glas) (dried beans makes 500g hummus)
100ml flavoured oil (we use the oil from marinated artichokes; alternative mix olive oil with water, and add more herbs)
1T Italian herbs / Italienische Kräutermischung
1T tomato paste / Tomatenpuree
1/2t salt / Salz
1/2t cayenne pepper / Cayenne-Pfeffer
The broad beans come in two forms already cooked in a glass or dry. If they are cooked in a glass or can, cook them again in boiling water, then use them in the hummus. If the beans are dry, soak them in water for 24 hours, then boil them for 50 minutes, and either mash them with a fork or put them in the blender with the rest of the ingredients. With the dry beans, we like to leave the skins on, but if you prefer a smoother hummus, you can remove the skins after boiling.
Combine all ingredients in the blender, and mix until it is a smooth thick paste. You might have to use the pulsing function on the blender, and you can adjust the amount of water depending on how thick you want the hummus to be.
Eat with toasted pita bread or pumpkin seed crackers.
Alle Zutaten in den Mixer geben und mixen, bis eine glatte, dicke Paste entsteht. Möglicherweise muss die Pulsierfunktion des Mixers verwendet werden. Die Wassermenge kann angepasst werden, je nachdem wie dick der Hummus sein soll.
Iss mit getostete pita brot oder protein knäcke brot.