Thursday, 31 October 2024

Sweet potato pie

 modified by Corina from a recipe at Nora Cooks 

2 medium (or 1 large) sweet potatoes
3T Maple syrup
2C Milk (your fav - I used almond milk)
1t Pumpkin pie spice
1t Vanilla
1/2t Salt
  • Cook the sweet potatoes either by cutting into pieces and boiling in a pan or by wrapping them in a wet paper towel and microwaving them for 10 min until soft all the way through
  • In a bowl, mash the sweet potatoes with a fork until they have a smooth-ish consistency. I like to keep the skins on and in the pie for texture and probably nutrients as well.
  • Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well
  • Pour into your favorite pie crust. I used Wholly Gluten Free Pie Crust from Trader Joe's (it was great), and there are our recipes here and here and here, too.
  • Bake on 350F for 50 minutes (in a gas oven).
  • Garnish with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream (Oatley is great) and serve