Saturday, 9 November 2019

Pumpkin pie

Modified by Corina from Louise Hagler's recipe

3/4 lb. firm tofu - or - 250 ml Oatley cream
1 (16 oz.) can pumpkin puree - or - 2 cups fresh-cooked pumpkin  
0.75-1C sugar  
2T oil  
2T maple syrup 
3-4T cornstarch OR 2T tapioca flour (makes it thick)
1 1/2 t cinnamon  
1t salt  
1t ginger powder  
1/2 t nutmeg   
1t vanilla

Optional: 1/2t allspice

Mix in blender, pour into unbaked 9" pie crust, bake 1hr @ 175C/350F.
Serve with vanilla ice cream or vegan hazelnut-chocolate spread (Deutschland: Rewe Bio nuss-nougat creme)

Crust: a margarine-based recipe modified by Corina from 
    2C / 220g flour
    0.25t salt
Blend in blender

    0.5C / 120g vegan margarine
    2T maple syrup 
      3-4T ice water

Crust: an oil-based recipe by Brynna Clark Grogan (website is no longer available) modified by Corina

1/2C white flour

1/2C wholewheat pastry flour

3T oil

3T soymilk with 1/2t lemon juice added

1/2t salt

1/2t baking powder

1/2t sugar

  • Mix flour, salt, baking powder, and sugar
  • Whisk soymilk with lemon and oil in a cup, pour into the flour mixture, mix gently with a fork until it holds together in a ball.  (If it's too dry, sprinkle with a TINY bit of water.) If you have time, place the dough in a plastic bag and refrigerate it for an hour before rolling out
  • Roll out and press into pan

Scharfer Erdnuss-Eintopf

Modifiziert nach:

1 kleiner Spitz- oder Weisskohl / 1 small white cabbage
2 Kartoffeln / 2 potatoes
2 Möhren / 2 carrots
1 kleine Dose Mais / 1 small can of corn
1 Paprika / 1 bell pepper
Frittierter Tofu / fried puffy tofu

Öl / oil
Senf / mustard
Kreuzkümmel / cumin
Chili-Pulver / chili powder
Paprika-Pulver / paprika powder
Salz / salt
Zucker / sugar
200ml Gemüsebrühe / 200 ml stock
1 Dose gehackte Tomaten / 1 can diced tomatoes
4 EL Erdnussbutter / 4 tb peanut butter
1/2 Limette / half of a lime

Alle Gemüse und den Tofu in kleine Stücke schneiden. Öl in einem grossen Wok erhitzen, die Kartoffeln und den Kohl hinzugeben und für ein paar Minuten anbraten. Senf und Kreuzkümmel überstreuen, und mit Umrühren kurz weiterbraten. Die Gemüsebrühe und Tomaten hinzufügen, und mit dem Chili-Pulver, dem Paprika-Pulver, etwas Salz und Zucker würzen. Für 5 Minuten köcheln lassen und dann die Erdnussbutter unterrühren und den Saft der halben Limette einträufeln. Anschliessend die restlichen Gemüse und den Tofu untermischen.

Cut all the veggies and the tofu into small pieces. Heat up oil in a large wok, add the cabbage and potatoes and fry for a few minutes. Stir in the mustard and cumin and continue to briefly fry. Pour in the stock and the tomatoes, and spice with the chili powder, the paprika powder, some salt and sugar. Let simmer at low heat for 5 minutes before stirring in the peanut butter and the juice of half the lime. Add the remaining veggies and the tofu and mix well.