Monday, 27 January 2025

Cinnamon crunch cereal

Recipe from Nourishing Joy and modified by Corina

1C protein powder (3 parts rice, 3 parts pea, 1 part hemp)
1/2C corn starch
3/4C sugar
1t salt
1t baking powder
4T flour
1/4C cinnamon
3/4C boiling water
  • Mix dry ingredients, then add the water and knead into a dough ball that sticks together
  • Oil a large baking pan and press the dough onto it until it is a very thin
  • Sprinkle extra cinnamon on top
  • Cut the dough into small squares
  • Bake at 180C / 350F for 20 min or until it starts to brown (less time for thinner dough)
  • Break apart the squares and put back into the oven at 150C / 300F for 10 min (more time for thicker dough, stirring every 10 min). They are done when they just start to taste like they are caramelizing
Makes 4 cups of dense cereal and has 192g protein (48g protein per cup). Compare with Three Wishes high protein cereal that has 8g protein per cup.

Saturday, 18 January 2025

Milk and yogurt

Coconut oat milk or yogurt

By Dieter

200g Haferflocken
40g Zucker
pinch Salz
2T Kokosnussbutter
750ml Wasser

If making yogurt, then also add...
4t Yogurt für die probiotics starter
  • Blend in blender. The milk is done, store in the fridge. 
  • If making yogurt, follow the directions below "General instructions for finishing the yogurt"
  • VARIATIONS: double the coconut butter amount and the yogurt will taste like a piña colada!

Total: 800ml, 28g protein

Mango yogurt

By Dieter

1 mango (cut into pieces) / Mango (kleingeschnitten)
3T protein powder (we use a mixture of pea, rice, and hemp protein) / Eiweisspulver
3T sunflower oil / Sonnenblumenöl
1T lime juice / Limettensaft
2T sugar / Zucker
8T water / Wasser
4T yogurt with live cultures / Jogurt mit lebenden Kulturen
  • Mix all ingredients in a blender
General instructions for finishing the yogurt
  • Warm the oven so that it gets to 40C (if it is warm outside, you can put the containers outside)
  • Use sealable glass containers and place them in the oven to get warmed up
  • Let the pot cool to about 40C and then pour the pot contents into the containers
  • Keep the containers in the warm oven for 24 hours (turn the oven on every so often to keep the temperature around 40C)

High protein yogurt

By Dieter

1200ml water / Wasser
12T protein powder (we use a mixture of pea, rice, and hemp protein) / Eiweisspulver
2T almond butter / Mandelmus
5T maple syrup / Ahornsirup
3T corn starch / Speisestarke
  • Mix all ingredients (except the corn starch) in a pot and bring to a boil
  • Mix corn starch in a cup with a tiny bit of cold water to dissolve it, then add it to the pot, while stirring and boil for 5 min
  • Put 2t yogurt into each container (for probiotics starter)
General instructions for finishing the yogurt
  • Warm the oven so that it gets to 40C (if it is warm outside, you can put the containers outside)
  • Use sealable glass containers and place them in the oven to get warmed up
  • Let the pot cool to about 40C and then pour the pot contents into the containers
  • Keep the containers in the warm oven for 24 hours (turn the oven on every so often to keep the temperature around 40C)

High protein milk

By Dieter

600ml water / Wasser
6T protein powder (we use a mixture of pea, rice, and hemp protein) / Eiweisspulver
4T cocoa powder / Kakao-Pulver
pinch of salt / Prise Salz
1T vanilla / Vanille
1T cinnamon / Zimt
2T almond butter / Mandelmus
5T maple syrup / Ahornsirup

Do this...
  • Mix all ingredients in a blender for ~45 secs
  • Alle Zutaten im Mixer für ~45 Sekunden vermischen
Or this...
  • Mix all ingredients in a pot and boil for 5 min
  • Alle Zutaten im Topf und für 5 min kochen

Has 10g of protein per 100ml of water - with the additional volume of the other ingredients it comes down to about 7g of protein per 100ml of milk.