Sunday, 17 May 2015

Salted Caramel sauce

By Dieter

100gr of sugar
2 table spoons of butter
2 teaspoon of salt
1/3 of a pack of oatley cream (or coconut cream)

Pour the sugar into a pot, and heat at medium heat until sugar begins to melt. Add the butter, while constantly stirring, until it turns into golden caramel. Remove the pot from the stove, add the salt and oatley cream, and stir. 

Lemon Grass Curry / Alternative Curries

Lemongrass curry

Based on the World Food Cafe cookbook

4 stalks of lemongrass
1 small onion
1 clove of garlic
fresh ginger (same amount as of onion)
1 T coriander powder
1 T ground chilies
sunflower oil

1 head of broccoli
1 small courgette
1 bell pepper

1 stock cube
4 kafir lime leaves

Cut the lemongrass, onion, garlic, and ginger into pieces. Add them into a blender, together with the coriander powder and chilies, and add a bit of oil and water to blend into a smooth paste.

Fry the paste at medium heat in a large wok for about 5-10 minutes, stirring it to have it cook all through. In the meantime, cut the tofu and the vegetables into mouth-sized pieces. When the paste releases a nice smell, add the tofu and the vegetables, and cook the vegetables briefly until they start to become soft. Add the tamari and stock cube, while maybe adding a bit more water, to create a sauce with the paste, and throw in the cut-up lime leaves. Cook for another 2-3 minutes and serve over Basmati rice.

Kaffir lime leaf curry

By Dieter

3 T sunflower oil / Sonnenblumenöl
1 T toasted sesame or peanut oil / Gerostet Sesamöl oder Erdnussöl
1 T coriander powder / Korianderpulver
1 T salt / Salz
1 piece of ginger (half the size of the tofu) / Ingwerwurzel (halbe Große vom Tofu)
2 small chilis / kleine Chilischoten
2 potatoes / Kartoffeln
1 pack smoked tofu / geräucherter Tofu
1 C peas / 1 Tasse Erbsen
1/2 C ananas / halbe Tasse Ananas
5 dried Kaffir lime leaves / 5 getrocknete Kaffir-Limettenblätter

Wash the potatoes, cut into squares, and boil for ~10 minutes. Heat up the oil in a large pan and add the ginger, coriander powder, and salt. When the oil is hot, add the chilis, potatoes, tofu, peas, and pineapple. Stir through until everything is well covered in the oil and warm. Break the lime leaves into small pieces and stir under. Briefly let heat through so all the flavours can combine.

Wasche die Kartoffeln, schneide sie in kleine Stücke, und koche sie für ca 10 Minuten. Erhitze das Öl  auf mittlerer Stufe in einer grossen Pfanne und gib den Ingwer, das Korianderpulver, und das Salz hinzu. Wenn das Öl heiss ist, gib die Chilis, Kartoffeln, Tofu, Erbsen, und Ananas hinzu. Rühre gut bis das Öl alles bedeckt und alle Zutaten gut warm sind. Zerbröckel die Limettenblätter in kleine Stücke und rühr sie unter. Alles kurz durcherhitzen so dass sich die Aromen verbinden können.

Chocolate croissants

By Dieter

puff pastry
chocolate fudge

Make sure to get puff pastry and not any of the other kinds of pastry (not filo, nor shortcrust etc.).

Let the puff pastry defrost. It is now ready to use, and can be folded into all different shapes with a tablespoon of fudge inside. For more puffiness, flatten the pastry, fold over, flatten, fold, repeat a few times. Bake in an oven at low temperature ~170C/340F for ~15 mins until the tops are golden and crispy.

Chocolate fudge

By Dieter

1 bar of dark chocolate (70%)
2 table spoons of coconut butter
1 table spoon cocoa powder
2 table spoons of oatley cream
6 table spoons of sugar (add according to taste)
1 table spoon of maple syrup
vanilla flavour


Combine all ingredients in a pot at low to medium temperatures, just high enough such that the chocolate melts. Stir well, pour into a container, and let it sit in the freezer/fridge until it becomes solid.