Sunday, 7 April 2024

Protein bars

from ROAR by Stacy Sims and modified by Corina

1/4C Brown rice syrup
1/4C / 100g Almond butter (27g protein) or 150g whole almonds (roasted, 25.6g protein)
2C / 400g Chocochips (a corn flake type of high protein cereal in Germany) (50g protein)
1t Vanilla
1/4C Cranberries
1/2C / 50g Pretzels (hand crushed) (6.5g protein)

Mix well together in tupperware, pat down, apply lid, put in fridge, eat with a spoon.

83.5g protein / 15 bars = 5.6g protein/bar

Based on builder bars by Dieter

4ts peanut butter (16g protein)
10ts protein powder (we use a mix of rice, pea, and hemp) (80g protein)
6ts water (more if it is too clumpy)
2ts sugar

Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan. Heat at medium heat, constantly stirring until everything is mixed and smooth (don't need to boil, just warm up). Mix in other ingredients for flavour and texture if you want (e.g. breakfast cereals, chocolate). Form into bars (makes ~6 small bars, each has 16g of protein), and let cool.

Monday, 1 April 2024

Milk and yogurt / milch und jogurt

 We are going to start trying to make our own high protein milk and high protein yogurt. Let the adventures begin!

Hemp milk/hanf milch

Put 100g hemp seeds (unshelled) in a blender until they are in small pieces. 30g protein/100g

Add 500ml water and blend until mixed. If using for yogurt, can just leave it like this rather than strain the milk out through a towel. 

Then add 500 ml water… need to get clearer on the instructions 

30g protein/l


Mix in a blender:
2t vegan yogurt with Lactobacilis live cultures
3C mango
2C / 237ml milk of choice 

Place on yogurt incubator at 40-47C for 8 hours