Worcestershire sauce salad dressing
2 T apple vinegar
3 T sunflower oil
1/2t salt
1 T black pepper
Liquid gold from the First Mess
Strawberry vinaigrette
Modified by Corina from The Grand Tour Cookbook by Hannah Grant
Since many people think vegans only eat salad, we're posting our favorite recipes to keep them handy and current and also to show that vegans eat just about everything!
Modified by Corina from The Grand Tour Cookbook by Hannah Grant
By Dieter, inspired by https://foodlovin.de/kiwi-banana-bread-mit-macadamia-nuessen/
4 Bananen / bananas
8EL Eiweisspulver (wir benutzen eine Mischung aus 4 Teilen Reisprotein, 4 Teilen Erbsenprotein, 1 Teil Hanfprotein) / protein powder (we use a mixture of 4 parts rice protein, 4 parts pea protein, 1 part hemp protein)
2TL Backpulver / baking powder
Alle festen Zutaten in einer großen Backform mischen. Die flüssigen Zutaten hinzufügen und mit einer Gabel umrühren, bis alles gut vermischt ist. 45 Minuten bei 180C/375F backen.