Monday, 10 September 2018

Veganaise: 2 options (original fatty vs high protein)

Original fatty

We found this great veganaise recipe on this German blog:

It's easy to make, and you can adjust the flavour by changing the amounts of stock and mustard. Here is our adapted version:

75g white almond butter
100ml tap water
1 stock cube
2 tablespoon (French's) mustard
1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • Add to a blender and mix at high speed.
ca. 125ml sunflower oil
2 teaspoon vital wheat gluten or cornstarch
  • Keep adding the oil in stages until you notice a change in consistency, blending at high spending. You might have to add more. For a more spreadable consistency, add vital wheat gluten or cornstarch and continue to blend.

Alternative recipe (high-protein, low fat)

by Dieter (inspired by Veganomicon)

400g silken tofu
~40g wheat gluten/seitan basis
4 tablespoons olive oil
4 tablespoons rice vinegar

for flavouring:
nutritional yeast
black pepper
chili pepper

Friday, 1 June 2018

White pizza sauce

by Dieter

2T Veganaise
1T Mustard
100ml Cream
2T Nutritional yeast
Black pepper
Cornstarch (first dissolved in cold water)
Stock cube

Thursday, 26 April 2018

Protein snickerdoodles

  • 1C / 240ml coconut milk (50kcal) (instead of 1C butter)
  • 1/2C / 100ml maple syrup (350kcal) and 1/4C / 50ml coconut flower syrup (150kcal) (instead of 1.5C sugar)
  • 150g soy flour (40% protein, 636kcal) and 150g Vital Wheat Gluten flour (80% protein, 600kcal) (instead of 2 3/4C / 311g flour; and instead of eggs because 1T soy flour = 1 egg)
  • 1t baking powder (instead of cream of tartar)
  • 1t baking soda
  • 1t vanilla
Roll balls in a mixture of sugar (~1/4C) and cinnamon (~3T). Grease baking sheet with coconut butter. They turn out crispy on the bottom and very chewy.

Protein = 180g 
(60g from 150g soy flour + 120g from 150g wheat gluten flour)

Calories = ~1786kcal + 300 kcal from rolling the dough in sugar = 2086

Ratio kcal/protein = 10

Makes 24 cookies, therefore, per cookie = 7.5g protein, 89kcal

Sunday, 22 April 2018

Strawberry shortcake smoothie

by Corina & Dieter

1 portion (150g) Alpro protein yogurt mango
1 scoop (~75g) Alpro yogurt natural
1 C frozen strawberries (can be thawed)
1 T agave syrup

Serves 2
Total = 12.5g protein, 196 kcal
Ratio kcal/protein = 15.7

Saturday, 7 April 2018

Cinnamon bread / Süsses Brot

By Dieter

For the dough:
250ml warm water
50 ml sunflower oil
150gr flower type 405
100gr flower type 550
100gr Vital Wheat Gluten
1 pack of yeast
1 tablespoon sugar

For the filling:
1 tablespoon margarine
2 tablespoons brown sugar
two handful raisins
one handful flaked almonds

Mix the yeast with the water and oil. Add the flour/gluten and the sugar, and knead a few minutes into a dough.

Cover with a wet cloth, put in a warm spot, and let the dough rise for about one hour.

Heat up the margarine till it melts, add the sugar, vanilla, and cinnamon and stir into a caramel coating.

Stretch out the dough on a surface covered in flour. Spread the filling, raisins, and almonds equally across. Roll up the dough. Cover a square oven pan with sunflower oil, and put the rolled up dough inside. Let it rise covered for another 30 minutes in a warm spot. Pre-heat the oven to 200C and include a container with water. Bake for 45 minutes.

Monday, 2 April 2018


by Corina

makes about 6 waffles

2C Flour (high protein = 1C soy flour + 1C vital wheat gluten)
3/4 Sugar (low calorie = maple syrup and/or agave/kokosblüten sirup)
1T Salt
1T Baking powder
1T Vanilla
1/2C margarine (to prevent sticking to the waffle iron)
Chocolate Oatley

Mix everything together, adding as much Oatley as needed to get a consistency that is on the runny side.

Pre-heat waffle iron (it must be very hot before putting the first waffle in, otherwise the batter will stick to the iron), oil the iron with margarine, pour batter on, cook until on the crispy side. Tastes like waffle cones!

crispy, crumbly protein variant...
Use only soy flour and don't oil the waffle iron. Let it cook for a really long time. It will come out in crumbles, but they are really crispy and good.
Note: for some reason, now this variant gets completely stuck to the waffle iron even if using oil.

Crispy waffles that work
1/2 C Mehl / Flour
1/2 C Sojamehl / Soy flour
1/4 C Zucker / Sugar (agave + rohrzucker)
1T Salt
1T Baking powder
1T Vanilla
Chocolate Oatley

Mix enough Oatley in so it is more on the runny side

Wait a few minutes after the waffle iron is ready to put the batter in (it needs to be really hot).  Put coconut butter on the waffle iron before putting in the batter. Leave the waffle in for a few minutes after the iron says it is ready. Makes crispy waffles!

Notes on what NOT to do: do not use coconut butter to oil the pan because it makes the vital wheat gluten waffles chewy and not crispy. Don't use coconut sugar because it makes the waffles crumbly.

Sunday, 4 March 2018

Bread / Brot

By Dieter

There are several varieties of bread here so keep scrolling down!

Try sweet potato dinner rolls

White bread sourdough
300ml lauwarmes Wasser
250g Brotmischung Aurora Bauernkruste Mischung (halbe Packung: mehl, hefe, sauerteig)
100g Vital Weizen Gluten
100g Sojamehl

  • Mit Handmixer mehrere Minuten gut verkneten. Den Teig mit einem feuchten Tuch abdecken, und an einem warmen Ort für mindestens eine Stunde wachsen lassen.
  • Eine Backform gut mit Sonnenblumenöl einstreichen, den Teig einfügen, und noch einmal für mindestens 30 min gehen lassen.
  • Ofen auf 180C vorheizen. Eine Blechtasse mit Wasser hinzufügen. Das Brot für 45 Minuten backen.

Plain white bread (also pizza dough)
250ml lauwarmes Wasser / 250ml tap water
1 Teelöffel Hefe / 1 teaspoon yeast
~300g Weizenmehl / ~300g plain flour

  • Die Hefe ins Wasser geben und kurz verrühren und lass diese für 5 Minuten stehen / add the yeast to the water and stir in briefly, wait for 5 minutes.
  • Füge das Mehl hinzu und verrühr dieses mit dem Wasser. Die richtige Menge Mehl ist erreicht wenn der Teig nicht mehr an den Fingern klebt aber noch nicht anfängt zu bröseln. Verknete den Teig für ein paar Minuten / Add the flour and stir in. Keep on adding flour until the dough no longer sticks to your hands but doesn't yet crumble. Keep on kneading the dough for a few minutes.
  • Lass den Teig für 1 Stunde ruhen (oder mehr oder weniger Zeit nach Verfügbarkeit) / let the dough rest for 1 hour (or more or less time depending on availability)
  • Je nach Geschmack können Salz und Gewürze (Chili/Rosmarin/etc) hinzugefügt oder auf den Teig gestreut werden / according to taste, add or sprinkle on top salt and spices (chili flakes/rosemary/etc.)
  • Backe bei 180C für 40 Minute bis die äussere Kruste goldbraun ist / bake at 375F for 40 minutes until the crust has turned golden


300ml lauwarmes Wasser
250g Brotmischung Aurora 6-Korn Mischung (halbe Packung)
50g Vital Weizen Gluten
80g geschrotete Leinsamen

  • Mit Handmixer mehrere Minuten gut verkneten. Den Teig mit einem feuchten Tuch abdecken, und an einem warmen Ort für eine Stunde wachsen lassen.
  • Anschliessend 1 Teelöfel Backpulver, etwas Salz, und Korianderpulver hinzufügen, und erneut gut verkneten.
  • Eine Backform gut mit Olivenöl einstreichen, den Teig einfügen, und noch einmal für eine Stunde gehen lassen.
  • Ofen auf 210C vorheizen. Eine Blechtasse mit Wasser hinzufügen. Das Brot für 50 Minuten backen.

German Rye Bread

1 large cup of water (350ml)
1t dried whole-grain sourdough starter
1t yeast
~3/4 large cup of rye flour
~1/2 large cup of wheat flour
2 knife-tips of salt 
1/3t cumin
1 knife-tip of nutmeg 
2T maple syrup/agave syrup/molasses

Start yeast and sourdough with warm water for 15 minutes. 
Add rye flour and knead with a fork.
Add half of the wheat flour and knead in.
Let rest and rise (eg overnight in fridge).
Beat down and let slightly rise again. 
Add remaining wheat flour and all the flavouring.
Thoroughly mix with a fork. 
Let rise for another 20 minutes at room temperature.
Put in oven form, lightly pressing it down.
Place in oven together with small container with water.
Bake for about an hour at 180 Celsius, checking water occasionally, until fork comes out clean and a dark crust shows.

Saturday, 13 January 2018

Pancakes & crepes

By Dieter

High protein pancakes

200ml soy or oat cream
60g seitan basis (vital wheat gluten)
40g flour / Mehl
20g sugar / Zucker
several drops of vanilla
½ pack (2T) baking powder

Mix well until the batter is creamy and has air bubbles. Put batter into the pan on a low heat, slowly fry in sunflower oil on one side (throw in fruit if you like - bananas, apples, and blueberries work well), turn over when bottom turns golden. This will make about 4 pancakes (each with 13g of protein). 

US style pancakes (thick)

1.5C oat milk (or other milk replacement - we tend to use chocolate Oatley)
2C flour (type 405)
1/8t salt / Salz
1T sugar / Zucker
1/3t baking powder / Backpulver

Oil for the pan (coconut oil works well)

Mix well with a mixer (a couple of minutes) - consistency: drips from the spoon in blobs (add more flour or milk if needed). Add fruit (blueberries, bananas), cook in a thick layer at medium heat. 

Crepes (thin)

3/4C flour
1/4C protein powder
3T sugar
1T bean flour
Baking powder
1C milk/Oatley cream
1T sunflower oil in the pan per crepe
  • Stir dry ingredients together, add milk until it is pretty runny.
  • Heat pan with 1T oil until it is hot, pour batter into pan, then tip pan to make the batter on top run off to the edges of the pan until it is really thin. Cook until crispy on both sides. 
  • Place on plate and add toppings (maple syrup, peanut butter, powdered sugar, jam).
Makes 6 crepes