by Corina
Since many people think vegans only eat salad, we're posting our favorite recipes to keep them handy and current and also to show that vegans eat just about everything!
Sunday, 24 September 2023
Jalapeño poppers
Friday, 8 September 2023
Fava Bean Hummus
By Dieter
2t black pepper / schwarzer Pfeffer
1t salt / Salz
2t lime or lemon juice / Limetten- oder Zitronensaft
5T olive oil / Olivenöl
10T water / Wasser
Alle Zutaten in den Mixer geben und mixen, bis eine glatte, dicke Paste entsteht. Möglicherweise muss die Pulsierfunktion des Mixers verwendet werden. Die Wassermenge kann angepasst werden, je nachdem wie dick der Hummus sein soll.
Sunday, 20 August 2023
Protein boosters
- 85: 10 protein power (mix of 2/5 pea/ 2/5 rice/ 1/5 hemp)
- 80 : 7 vital wheat gluten (seitan powder)
- 50 : 4 nutritional yeast
- 40 : 5 soy flakes
- 40 : 2 soy flour
- 30 : 3 hemp seeds
- 27 : 3 almond butter
- 26 : 2.5 broad (fava) beans - high in leucine 2.1g/100g (Rondanelli et al 2020) for muscle building and in L-dopamine (Bhattacharyya 2022) for restless leg syndrome (Manconi et al 2021)
- 25 : 4 peanut butter
- 25 : 2 peanuts
- 21 : 2 almonds - high leucine 1.5
- 19 : 2 sesame seeds
- 18 : 1 flax seeds
- 17 : 3 chia
- 15 : ? hazelnuts
- 12.5 : 3 oats
- 9 : 1 lentils
- 9 : 1 kidney beans
- 6 : 1 green peas
- Add protein powder, hemp seeds, peanut butter, and/or soy flakes to cereal/müsli and use high protein soy milk (5g/100ml so about 12g/250ml Alpro, which is 1 breakfast)
- Add peanuts and nutritional yeast to stir frys, noodle dishes, mac & cheese, etc.
- Add lentils to curries
- Add cheese sauce to anything! (8g protein - add 9g if you replace the flour w half soy flour & half vital wheat gluten)
- Baked goods (including noodles)! For bread-like consistency, replace part of the flour with a 1:1 mixture of vital wheat gluten and protein powder mix (=82.5g protein per 100g). For cake/brownie-like consistency, only use protein powder mix.
Snacks (g protein/snack sized amount)
- 20g Clif Builder bar (Amazon,
- 15g (5 nuggets) Nuggets: 3g/nugget
- 14g (4 pieces) Puffy tofu (Komy Tofu: pate de soja frit): 30/100g & 170g pack so about 53g total, each pack has 15 pieces so 3.5g/piece (Mekong)
- 12g Sportness vegan bar (DM)
- 10g Alpro high protein yogurt - I can eat 200g as a snack so that's 10g (5/100g)
- 10g IronMaxx Vegan 30 bar (Rewe)
- 8g Dacon (tofu natur: 13/100g & use 600g/dacon batch)
- 8g Dofurky (30/100g)
- 8g Japanese tofu: 8g/filet
- 5.6g/bar Protein bars
Breakfast: overnight oats = 60 g protein
- Combine in a bowl: 80g oats, 3T soy flakes, 1T hemp seeds, 2T almonds, 2T protein powdermix, 200ml high protein soy milk
- Put in fridge overnight. For breakfast, add blueberries
Meal ideas
- Broad bean hummus - also high in leucine and L-dopa
- Massaman curry
- Roasted spicy cauliflower
- Cheesedurgers
- Tofu scramble
- Lentil dal
Saturday, 15 July 2023
by Dieter
1 tablespoon walnuts / 1 Esslöffel Walnüsse
2 tablespoons olive oil / 2 Esslöffel Olivenöl
1 teaspoon nutritional yeast / 1 Teelöffel Nahrungshefe
1 teaspoon lime juice / 1 Teelöffel Limettensaft
1 teaspoon black pepper / 1 Teelöffel schwarzer Pfeffer
1 teaspoon salt / 1 Teelöffel Salz
1/2 teaspoon coriander powder / 1/2 Teelöffel Korianderpulver
Mix all ingredients in a blender until it forms a smooth paste. Add to your pasta of choice. Depending on how thick you like your sauce on your noodles, this amount is enough for 2-4 portions.
Alle Zutaten in einem Mixer mixen, bis eine glatte Paste entsteht. Zu den Nudeln Ihrer Wahl geben. Je nachdem, wie dick die Sauce auf den Nudeln sein soll, reicht diese Menge für 2-4 Portionen.
Thursday, 13 July 2023
Strawberry shortcake
Make the biscuits and strawberries as in this Veganista recipe
I wasn’t a fan of the coconut whipped cream linked at the recipe (overpowering coconut taste). I suggest making the whipped cream from your favorite brand. I like Rama in Germany.
Wednesday, 5 July 2023
Tortilla-less soup
Modified from Deryn Macey by Corina
Sunday, 25 June 2023
- Cut the fillings into mouth sized pieces
- Heat the oil to a medium-high temperature
- For the batter, mix the 1/2 cup cold water with the 1/4 cup cornstarch, 1/4 cup flour, and 1/2 t baking powder until there are no more clumps. It is can be good if the batter is quite runny because it will fry quickly in the oil.
- Pour the remaining 1/4 cup flour on a plate
- Place each filling into the dry flour, shake off excess, and then place into the batter. Make sure all sides are coated.
- Place the batter-coated piece into the pan with hot oil. You can scoop extra batter up with a spoon and put it into the hot oil to increase batter coverage for each piece.
- Fry on each side for ~2 mins or until golden brown.
Saturday, 13 May 2023
Tom Yum
based on a recipe from The Spruce Eats
Modifications: - no garlic - less stock cube - generous amount of dried chili flakes | ![]() |
Wednesday, 19 April 2023
I like the recipe at Nora Cooks. Things I do differently:
- mix everything right in the baking pan rather than dirtying up an additional bowl
- use a larger pan so it is thinner and crispier (don't need to reduce the baking time because I had to add about 25 min to the baking time with the smaller pan)
It would be interesting to try the recipe at Rainbow Plant Life because it is partially fried and therefore crispier.
Friday, 17 March 2023
Dacon ("bacon")
based on a great recipe at BBC
- Prepare the marinade in a sealable container (potentially large enough to later store the finished bacon) by mixing together and shaking:
- Cut two packs of firm tofu (2x 200g) into thin slices - Spread some of the marinade on a large oven pan, drape the tofu slices next to each other on the marinade, and evenly spread the remaining marinade across the tops of the slices - Let the marinated tofu rest for 1 hour - Bake the marinated tofu in the oven at 150C / 300F for 20 mins, turn the slices over, and bake for another 5 minutes. Adjust baking times depending on how thin your slices are and on how crispy you want the bacon to be |
- Bereiten Sie die Marinade in einem verschließbaren Behälter vor (möglichst groß genug, um den fertigen bacon später aufzubewahren), durch mischen und schütteln von:
- 6 T Sojasauce
- 1,5 t geräucherter Paprika
- 1,5 T Ahornsirup
- 1,5 T Tomatenmark
- 1 Esslöffel Olivenöl
- Ein großes Ofenblech mit einem Teil der Marinade bestreichen, die Tofuscheiben nebeneinander auf der Marinade drapieren, und die restliche Marinade gleichmäßig auf den Oberseiten der Scheiben verteilen
- Den marinierten Tofu im Ofen bei 150 C / 300 F für 20 Minuten backen, die Scheiben umdrehen und weitere 5 Minuten backen. Die Backzeit anpassen je nachdem wie dünn die Scheiben sind und wie knusprig der bacon sein soll
by Dieter
makes 6 burgers- pilze frittieren im 2T öl und salzen
- Walnüsse in einer Ziploc-Tüte klein walzen
- Alle Zutaten (bis auf das Öl) in einer Schüssel mit den Händen verkneten, eventuell extra Mehl/Gluten hinzufügen
- die paste in 2T öl frittieren bis beide seiten braun sind auf eine mittler hitze damit sie knusprig werden
Alternative version: Sloppy D's
![]() |
The Sloppy D version |
Monday, 27 February 2023
Mac & Cheese - a work in progress
by Corina
I'm trying to recreate the Kraft mac & cheese that I grew up with and so far haven't landed on the holy grail yet, but I'm encountering some great recipes along the way!
Try sweet potato mac
I think this comes the closest
- Put everything (except the pasta and bell pepper) in a pot on medium heat and stir until mixed/melted
- Add the pasta and bell pepper, garnish with black pepper and/or chili powder, and lots more nutritional yeast
Thin sauce like Kraft, but taste is still not there (though how would I know when it's been over 20 years since I tasted Kraft?)
- Put everything (except the pasta) in a pot on medium heat and stir until mixed
- Add the pasta, garnish with black pepper
Similar to Annie's sweet potato pumpkin mac & cheese
- Put everything (except the pasta) in a blender and blend until the chunks are gone
- Pour into a pan on low heat and add...
- Stir until the cheese is melted, then add the cooked noodles. Taste again and add more things as needed
Sunday, 26 February 2023
A recipe from Feasting at Home and modified by Corina
Sunday, 29 January 2023
Lime blueberry scones
inspired by the lavender blueberry scones at the Caffeinated Bakery in Clearwater Beach, Florida, based on the blueberry scone recipe by Nora Cooks, and modified by Dieter and Corina
- Mix flour, baking powder, flax seeds, salt, and sugar
- Mix in the margarine until the dough has a course consistency
- Add cream, vanilla, and lime. Add more cream if too thick or more flour/sugar if too runny
- Mix in blueberries
- Put a dollop of dough on an oiled baking sheet and flatten
- Bake at 200 C / 400 F for 25 min
Friday, 27 January 2023
Sandwiches: Cubano, LGBTQIA+
Based on the recipe at The Green Table in Florida and advice from
- Hickory smoked or pepper tofurkey slices (US) or slices of Wheaty
- Swiss-like cheese on both pieces of bread (Simply V Natur)
- Pickles, thinly sliced
- Mustard
- Cuban bread (slightly sweet) or french bread baguette or just a regular baguette
- Optional: shredded lettuce and tomato, veganaise
Tuesday, 17 January 2023
Vegan staples shopping list
- "Butter" = margarine - in Germany: Naturli bio veganes streichfett at Alnatura, Buttella Sonnenblumen at Aldi, Letta at Rewe
- "Milk" = oat / soy / hazelnut / etc milk. Corina's favorite is chocolate Oatley.
- "Cheese" = fav vegan versions include the flavors natur and character for all purposes and hirtengenuss for a feta alternative - all from Simply V (Rewe, Hit, Kaufland, Aldi in Germany), also Rewe Bio Mozzarisella in a 3-cheese pizza. Daiya mozzarella or Chao (at most stores in the US)
- "Eggs" = you can just leave them out. Or you can add some baking powder (maybe 1t to 1T). If you need a great thickener, mix cornstarch in a little bit of cold water and add to a warm mixture and stir until thick. Don't add bananas though because it will make the whole dish taste like bananas.
- "Cream" = Oatley cream or coconut cream at Rewe
- "Cream cheese" = vegan versions include Simply V streichgenuss and Oatley aufstrich at Rewe, Kaufland, and Hit in Germany
- "Chocolate" = many dark chocolates are already vegan so just check the ingredients to make sure it doesn't have milk or milk powder. There are also lots of vegan milk chocolates. Our favorites are Hello salted caramel at Rewe for eating and Ja chocolate at Rewe for baking.
- "Marshmallows" = the non-vegan ingredient in these is gelatin, which is made from animals. Replace with Not Guilty Marilyn Mallow from Alnatura in Germany or with Dandies at Whole Foods, co-ops, and health food stores in the US.
- "Mayonnaise" = veganaise in the US (sold at most places) and Veganz sandwichcreme klassik at Edeka in Germany.
- "Noodles" = just make sure they don't have eggs in them
- "Bread" = just make sure it doesn't have lactic acid or enzymes. Both CAN be vegan, but it will only explicitly say it if they are.
- "Sugar" = some sugar is whitened by filtering it through fish bones. In Europe, most sugar is vegan. In the US, if it is labeled ORGANIC or UNREFINED then it is vegan (more info at PETA for US products). It is vegan if it is made from beets
- "Stock" = there are vegan stock cubes at Vitalia (Cenovis Bio ohne MSG) and Rewe (Bio Gemüsebrühe)
Sunday, 8 January 2023
Smochini and fruity signature cocktails
by Corina
Add to each glass: ice cube(s), a stick (chopstick works) with blueberries, strawberries, or thin slices of ginger.