Monday, 8 November 2021


Clockwise from bottom left: everything bagel,
black and white sesame seed, plain,
cinnamon raisin, pepperoncini, cranberry, banana walnut
this recipe was taught to Corina by Kelsey

Follow the recipe at the link above (the actual recipe is almost at the bottom of the page at the link, so here it is for ease of baking):

  • 2t / 6g active dry yeast
  • 4.5t / 19g sugar
  • 1.25C / 300ml warm water
  • 3.5C / 440g bread flour (or high gluten flour)
  • 1.5t / 6g salt

My favorites bagel types are black and white sesame, plain, cinnamon raisin, and cinnamon with sugar on top


  • Only put a TINY bit of oil in the bowl to keep the dough from sticking. If you put too much, it makes it impossible to turn them into bagels. In this case, add water and mix it into the dough until it is sticky
  • How do you know when the dough has sat for long enough? Poke your finger in the ball and if it doesn't bounce back, then it is ready
  • Instead of putting the toppings on top (where they easily fall off), fold the toppings into the dough at the point when you make the 8 balls.
  • If you prefer the toppings on top, instead of an egg wash, use vegan butter to get the toppings to stick better to the bagel
  • Cut the bagels after they come out of the oven - makes it easy to toast them while frozen
  • Freeze any bagels you don't plan on eating that day. When you are ready to eat them, take them from the freezer and put them in a toaster or toaster oven or in the oven (use Bake until they are mostly done, then use Broil for the last 1-2 min - no longer because they will burn on top!). Don't let them defrost before toasting.
    Black cumin (lower left), cinnamon sugar (top left),
    everything (top right), sesame (lower right)

Saturday, 31 July 2021


modified by Dieter from Rasa Malaysia

Plain naan with the batter going
into the hot pan

Follow the recipe at the link above, but use vegan plain yogurt rather than dairy yogurt. We like to add schwarzkümmel (thanks Freddy!)

Instructions on how to fry:
  • Pour 1T sunflower oil into a frying pan and get the pan really hot
  • The dough is more runny than normal bread dough. Use a spatula to break off a handful sized piece of dough and put it into the frying pan
  • After 3 seconds, quickly flip the dough over. Then use the spatula to press it down and make it flat. Add whatever spices (e.g., schwarzkümmel) to the top
  • Let it fry on that side for a few minutes until that side is crispy and the dough has formed bubbles on the side you can see
  • Flip if over and fry until the other side is crispy

Naan with schwarzkümmel


Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Lemon Carlota

modified to be vegan by Dieter based on the recipe at The Cookware Geek

  • REPLACE the 1C milk, 1 can evaporated milk, 1 can sweetened condensed milk, and 1 can heavy cream WITH 1 package of vegan cream cheese, 1T agar agar, 200ml soy cream, and powdered sugar. 
  • Bring the above liquid ingredients to a boil to activate the agar agar thickener. Stir in 3/4C powdered sugar and the lemons (or limes - we used 3).
  • Follow the rest of the directions at the recipe.

Saturday, 15 May 2021


modified by Dieter based on recipes (1, 2, 3)

This makes about 24 cookies / Teig genug für ca 24 Kekse:

1 cup (150ml) sunflower margarine / 1 Tasse (150ml) Sonnenblumenmargarine

1/2 cup (100gr) granulated sugar / 1/2 Tasse (100gr) Zucker

1/2 cup (60gr) powdered sugar / 1/2 Tasse (60gr) Puderzucker

2 cups (250gr) Mehl / 2 Tassen (250gr) Mehl

pinch of salt / Prise Salz

Beat the margarine with a mixer to make it creamy. Add the sugar and powdered sugar and beat for 2 mins until well mixed. Continue beating and add the flour until no flour is visible anymore. There will be crumbles, so briefly combine it all with your hand. Take a spoonful, shape into a cookie, and place on an slightly greased oven tin. The cookies will melt slightly during baking, so don't place them right on the edge. Sprinkle with toppings if you like. Bake at 180C/375F for 15-20mins (golden brown).

Schlag die Margarine mit einem Mixer bis sie cremig ist. Füge den Zucker und Puderzucker hinzu und vermische alles gut mit dem Mixer für 2 Minuten. Füge das Mehl hinzu und schlage es mit dem Mixer unter. Es werden sich Krümel formen, also forme alles kurz mit der Hand zusammen. Nimm einen Löffelvoll, forme es in einen Keks, und setze es auf ein leicht geöltes Ofenblech. Die Kekse schmelzen etwas auf dem Blech, also nicht direkt an den Rand setzen. Wenn gewollt, streue Garnierungen drauf. Backe bei 180C/375F für 15 Minuten (bis sie golden sind). 

Monday, 10 May 2021

Recipes the grackles are named after

Thanks to Zara for the great idea to make a bunch of the dessert recipes on our staycation! It then turned into a post for all of the recipes the grackles are named after. It will take a long time to make all of them, so this is a work in progress.

DRINKS (Santa Barbara, CA grackles) - no blog entries yet :)

DESSERTS (Sacramento, CA grackles)

  • Xangos - a Mexican dessert consisting of deep fried tortillas filled with cream cheese (and other things) and topped with ice cream, cocoa sugar, strawberries, and more. They also seem to be called Chimichangas, but the dessert version. Maybe Xango is short for Chimichangas? 2 varieties: plain cheesecake filling or strawberry cheesecake filling
  • Churros - deep fried dough sticks dipped in cinnamon and sugar
  • Polvorones - similar to butter cookies / shortbread and with toppings (sweet and salty toppings are a nice complement)
  • Carlota (lemon) - lemon cream poured around biscuits and refrigerated to harden

APPETIZERS & MAINS (Tempe, AZ grackles)

  • Tortilla (chips) - make your own from scratch!
  • Nachos - tortilla chips topped with beans, olives, pepperoncinis, and cheese
  • Tostadas - a modified version based on nachos with pico de gallo and guacamole and lettuce piled on top
  • Pico (de gallo) - a topping made of tomatoes, onions, coriander, lime, and salt
  • Guacamole - a topping made of avocados, lime, and salt
  • Fajita (salad) - it's all about the seasoning!
  • Quesadillas - beans and cheese in a tortilla and baked until gooey :-)

Sunday, 9 May 2021

Cauliflower Taco Filling / Phad Thai hack

 By Dieter

1 cup of cauliflower (small head) / 1 Tasse Blumenkohl (kleiner Kopf)
1/2 cup of soy crumbs / 1/2 Tasse Soja-Hack
2 table spoons water / 2 Esslöffel Wasser
3 table spoons sunflower oil / 3 Esslöffel Sonnenblumenöl
3 table spoons ketchup / 3 Esslöffel Ketchup
2 table spoons smoked paprika powder / 2 Esslöffel geräuchertes Paprikapulver
2 table spoons smoked salt / 2 Esslöffel Salz
1 table spoons smoked chili powder / 1 Esslöffel geräuchertes Chilipulver
1 tea spoon cumin / 1 Teelöffel Kreuzkümmel

Blend the cauliflower into small shreds. Heat up a large pan on the oven at high heat. Add the soy crumbs, pour over boiling water, and stir. Briefly wait until the water is absorbed, and add the cauliflower to the pan. Stir in the sunflower oil. Fry the mixture, occasionally stirring it, until it starts to brown. Turn off the heat, add the ketchup and spices, and stir well. Fill into taco shells with tomatoes and lettuce.

Pürier den Blumenkohl im Mixer. Erhitze ein grosse Pfanne auf hoher Hitze. Füge das Sojahack hinzu, giess das kochende Wasser drüber, und vermixe alles bis das Wasser aufgesaugt ist. Füge den Blumenkohl hinzu, giess das Sonnenblumenöl darüber, und vermische alles gut. Fritier es, mit mehrmaligen Umrühren, bis es anfängt braun zu werden. Stelle den Ofen ab und füge den Ketchup und die Gewürze hinzu. Vermisch alles gut miteinander. Füll es in die Taco-Schale mit Tomaten und Salat.

Sunday, 7 March 2021


 based on The Spruce Eats

1 cup vital wheat gluten
1/3 cup cornstarch
1/2 cup nutritional yeast
1/2 t baking powder
1 T black pepper
1 T smoked paprika

Mix the dry ingredients together in a large bowl.

5 T soy sauce
3/4 cup water

Add the liquids to the dry ingredients and stir briefly with a fork until all combined.
Next, use your hands to knead everything together. If necessary, add more water. The dough should be soft enough for you to easily press your fingers in. Knead it 10-15 times.

Let the dough rest for 5-10 minutes before kneading again.

Break the dough into 8-10 smaller pieces, and stretch each out into a thin cutlet (thinner than your finger width). 

In a large pot, combine some broth with soy sauce and ginger. Add the cutlets to the pot. The cutlets will more than triple in size, so don't fill the pot too high and make sure the pot is large enough. Bring the broth to a boil, reduce the heat, and let the cutlets simmer for about 1 hour.

Take the cutlets out. After letting the cool, squeeze out some of the extra liquid. Cut the cutlets into small squares, and fry them in some toasted sesame oil for 5-10 minutes. Add salt if necessary.

Saturday, 20 February 2021

Nadiya Hussain's Mango and Black Pepper Cranachan

modified from the original recipe to be vegan by Dieter


  • Instead of butter, use vegan margarine
  • Instead of double cream, use a vegan cream (e.g., Oatley cream). If using a very liquidy cream: melt 1T margarine in a pot, stir in 1T cornstarch, then add the cream and powdered sugar. Stir until it boils. Remove from heat.

Friday, 5 February 2021

Maple-glazed donuts

For the donuts / die Donuts:

Based on this recipe:


         1 packet active dry yeast (2 1/4 teaspoons) 
¼ cup/50 grams plus 1/4 teaspoon granulated sugar 
¼ cup/60 ml lukewarm water 
¾ cup/180 ml almond milk 
5 tablespoons/70 grams vegan butter
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 
½ teaspoon fine sea salt 
¼ cup/65 grams almond butter
3 cups/385 grams all-purpose flour
Vegetable oil, for greasing the bowl and for frying 


  • Mix the yeast with the water
  • Add the remaining ingredients except for the flour and beat with a hand mixer
  • Add half of the flour and mix well, then another quarter and mix, and the final quarter and mix it well
  • Let the dough rise for 1 hour
  • Spread a little bit of flour on a clean surface, and touch it to your hands
  • We shaped the doughnuts by hand (which means we did not have cut-out holes) - take a small ball into your palms, flatten it out, and use your thumbs to make the hole
  • Fill a pot with ~4cm of oil and get it to a high (but not maximum) temperature
  • Use a spatula to move the doughnuts from the floured surface into the oil; you will know when they are ready to turn but watching the inside of the hole turn golden; they will grow, so don't overfill the pot
  • Flip over and fry on the second side
  • Let them drip off and place them back on the clean surface

Basieren auf diesem Rezept:


        • 1 Packung Trockenhefe 
¼ cup/50 gr plus 1/4 Teelöffel weisser Zucker
¼ cup/60 ml Wasser
¾ cup/180 ml Mandelmilch
5 Esslöffel/70 gr Margarine
1 Teelöffel Vanille
½ Teelöffel Salz
¼ cup/65 gr Mandelbutter
3 cups/385 gr Mehl

  • Vermische die Hefe mit dem handwarmen Wasser
  • Füge alle weiteren Zutaten ausser dem Mehl hinzu, und vermische es mit einem Handmixer
  • Füge die Hälfte des Mehls hinzu, vermisch gut mit dem Handmixer, dann vermische ein weiteres Viertel des Mehls, bevor das restliche Mehl
  • Lasse den Teig für 1 Stunde wachsen
  • Streu ein bisschen Mehl auf eine glatte Oberfläche und auf die Hände
  • Forme die Donut mit den Händen: nimm einen kleinen Ball in die Handflächen, mach es flach, und stich das Loch mit den Daumen
  • Fülle einen Topf mit ca 4cm Öl und erhitze es zu einer hohen (aber nicht maximum) Temperatur
  • Lege die Donuts mit einer Spatula in das Öl; die Donuts wachsen im Öl der Topf darf also nicht zu voll sein
  • die Unterseite ist fertig sobald die Innenseiten des Loches golden sind; drehe sie um und frittiere die andere Seite
  • Lass das Öl abtropfen und lege die Donuts zurück auf die Oberfläche
For the glaze / für die Glasur:

2 tablespoons of margarine / 2 Esslöffel Margarine
1 tablespoon of brown sugar / 1 Esslöffel brauner Zucker
1 tablespoon of maple syrup / 1 Esslöffel Ahornsirup
2 tablespoons of non-dairy milk / 2 Esslöffel Pflanzenmilch (we used chocolate oatley)
6 tablespoons of icing sugar / 6 Esslöffel Puderzucker

Melt the margarine with the brown sugar, maple syrup, and non-dairy milk in a pot. Stir until the sugar is dissolved. Remove from the heat. Add the icing sugar and stir until everything is dissolved. Dip one side of the doughnuts into the glaze - and serve them!

Schmelze die Margarine in einem Topf zusammen mit dem Zucker, Ahornsirup, und der Pflanzenmilch. Vermisch mit einem Schneebesen bis der Zucker aufgelöst ist. Nimm vom Herd, und rühr den Puderzucker hinein. Tauche eine Seite der Donuts in die Glasur - fertig zum Servieren!

Monday, 1 February 2021


 By Dieter (based on recipes by Broke Bank Vegan and Chicano Eats)

Dough / Teig 

(~30 churros, adjust amounts if you want more/less):

1 C water / 1 Tasse Wasser
2 t oil / 2 Teelöffel Öl
vanilla / Prise Vanille
salt / Prise Salz
1 t sugar / 1 Teelöffel Zucker
1 C flour / 1 Tasse Mehl

  • Measure the flour into a large, heat-proof bowl. Add the oil, vanilla, salt, and sugar to the flour in the bowl.
  • Bring the water to boil in a kettle and pour into the flour mixture. Briefly stir with a wooden spoon until everything is mixed and you don't see any white flour spots. You can use a metal instead of a wooden spoon, but do not use a mixer. The brief stirring makes it so that air remains inside the dough. 
  • Roll the dough into a small ball. Let it rest to cool down: ~15 minutes at room temperature, plus ~30 minutes in the fridge. The resting and cooling will help the gluten transform and dry the dough a bit, which will make the dough less sticky for shaping and prepare it for the frying. 
  • Roll small chunks of dough with your hands into small churros (about the thickness and length of one finger). They will get a little bit wider during the frying but not really expand.
  • Mess das Mehl in eine large, hitzresistente Schüssel. Füge das Öl, Vanille, Salz, und Zucker zum Mehl in der Schüssel 
  • Bring das Wasser im Wasserkocher zum Kochen. Giess das Wasser in die Schüssel. Vermisch es mit dem Mehl mit einem Holzlöffel bis keine weissen Mehlklümpchen mehr zu sehen sind. Anstelle des Holz- kann auch ein Metallöffel verwendet werden, aber es sollte etwas mit einer grossen Oberfläche und kein Mixer sein. Das kurze Verrühren lässt Luft im Teig. 
  • Bring den Teig in einem kleinem Ball zusammen. Setze es zum abkühlen: ca 15 Minuten bei Raumtemperatur, plus ca 30 Minuten im Kühlschrank. Das Abkühlen hilft das Gluten im Mehl zu transformieren und trocknet den Teig ein wenig aus, was den Teig weniger kleblich zum Verarbeiten macht.
  • Forme den Teig mit den Händen in kleine Churro Rollen (ungefähre Dicke und Länge eines Fingers). Sie werden während des Frittieren ein bisschen weiter aber nur minimal

Frying / Frittieren

  • Pour half a finger-width high of sunflower oil in a small pot (so the churros will be covered to about half their width). Heat to medium-high temperature (e.g. electric 7/10). If it is too hot, the inside will not cook, if it is not hot enough, the outside will not brown.
  • Sugar mixture: Pour 2 parts sugar, 1 part cinnamon, and 1 part powdered sugar in a tupperware with a lid. Shake to mix.
  • Use wooden spoon to place dough rolls into the pot (will take multiple batches so churros don't touch). Turn a few times until they are golden on all sides (takes ~8 minutes). 
  • Giess eine halbe Fingerbreite hoch Sonnenblumenöl in einen kleinen Topf (so dass die churros ungefähr halb von Öl bedeckt sind). Erhitze zu einer mittleren-hohen Temperatur (z.B. 7/10 Elektrik). Wenn es zu heiss ist, bleiben sie innen ein bisschen roh, wenn es nicht heiss genug ist, werden sie aussen nicht braun.
  • Zuckermischung: Gieße 2 Teile Zucker, 1 Teil Zimt, und 1 Teil Puderzucker in einer tupperware und schütteln zu mischen 
  • Setze die Rollen mit dem Holzlöffel in den Topf (in mehreren Ladungen frittieren so dass sich die Churros nicht berühren). Ein paar Mal wenden bis sie golden sind (braucht ca. 8 Minuten).

Coating / Beschichten

  • Put the churros in the sugar mixture right as they come out of the oil, put the lid on and shake to coat
  • Wende die Churros in der Zuckermischung sobald sie aus dem Öl kommen, zuschlies die deckel und schüttel zu bedecken

Wondering what to do with the frying oil? Make more churros the next day, and the day after :-) or use it in other dough, for example to make brownies.

Was kann man mit dem Frittier-Öl machen? Mehr churros am nächsten Tag, und dem Tag danach :-) oder benutze es in anderen Backrezepten, z.B. für Brownies