By Dieter, inspired by
Since many people think vegans only eat salad, we're posting our favorite recipes to keep them handy and current and also to show that vegans eat just about everything!
Thursday, 21 November 2024
Cookie dough
Monday, 11 November 2024
Cheesy fried fava beans
Following this recipe of Becca Heyes
- 1/2 Tasse Fava Bohnen in Wasser über Nacht einweichen lassen, dann 30 Minuten kochen
- Die gekochten Bohnen auf einem Ofenblech ausbreiten und mit etwas Olivenöl einreiben. Mit Salz und anderen Gewürzen bestreuen (z.B. Chili-Pulver). Für 20 Minuten bei 150C im Ofen rösten.
- Dann mit Käse bestreuen, und für weitere 15 Minuten im Ofen rösten.
Use vegan cheese: in the USA, the shredded Mexican blend from Trader Joe's works well. In Germany, Simply V Reibegenuss is nice
- 1/2C fava beans - soak in water overnight, then boil for 30 min
- Lay the beans in a layer in a pan and sprinkle olive oil, salt, and chili powder
- Bake for 20 min at 150C
- Put cheese on top and bake for another 15 min
Sunday, 10 November 2024
Loaded fava bean fries
Thursday, 31 October 2024
Sweet potato pie
modified by Corina from a recipe at Nora Cooks
- Cook the sweet potatoes either by cutting into pieces and boiling in a pan or by wrapping them in a wet paper towel and microwaving them for 10 min until soft all the way through
- In a bowl, mash the sweet potatoes with a fork until they have a smooth-ish consistency. I like to keep the skins on and in the pie for texture and probably nutrients as well.
- Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well
- Pour into your favorite pie crust. I used Wholly Gluten Free Pie Crust from Trader Joe's (it was great), and there are our recipes here and here and here, too.
- Bake on 350F for 50 minutes (in a gas oven).
- Garnish with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream (Oatley is great) and serve
Sunday, 7 July 2024
3T flax seeds / 3 Esslöffel Leinsamen
If you have a blender, turn the seeds into a flour
Falls vorhanden, die Samen in einem Mixer schroten
2T nutritional yeast / 2 Esslöffel Brauerhefe
400g boiled Fava beans / 400g gekochte Favabohnen (weight after boiling / Gewicht nach dem Kochen)
3T toasted sesame oil / 3 Esslöffel geröstetes Sesameöl
1t garam masala / 1 Teelöffel Garam Masala
1t black pepper / 1 Teelöffel schwarzer Pfeffer
1/2 t chili powder / 1/2 Teelöffel Chili Pulver
1t salt / 1 Teelöffel Salz
1t coriander powder / 1 Teelöffel Korianderpulver
3T vital wheat gluten / 3 Esslöffel Weizeneiweiss (Seitanpulver)
Thursday, 13 June 2024
Salad dressings
Worcestershire sauce salad dressing
2 T apple vinegar
3 T sunflower oil
1/2t salt
1 T black pepper
Liquid gold from the First Mess
Strawberry vinaigrette
Modified by Corina from The Grand Tour Cookbook by Hannah Grant
Saturday, 1 June 2024
High-Protein Banana Bread / Bananenbrot
By Dieter, inspired by
4 Bananen / bananas
8EL Eiweisspulver (wir benutzen eine Mischung aus 4 Teilen Reisprotein, 4 Teilen Erbsenprotein, 1 Teil Hanfprotein) / protein powder (we use a mixture of 4 parts rice protein, 4 parts pea protein, 1 part hemp protein)
2TL Backpulver / baking powder
Alle festen Zutaten in einer großen Backform mischen. Die flüssigen Zutaten hinzufügen und mit einer Gabel umrühren, bis alles gut vermischt ist. 45 Minuten bei 180C/375F backen.
Sunday, 7 April 2024
Protein bars
from ROAR by Stacy Sims and modified by Corina
1/4C / 100g Almond butter (27g protein) or 150g whole almonds (roasted, 25.6g protein)
Monday, 1 April 2024
Milk and yogurt / milch und jogurt
We are going to start trying to make our own high protein milk and high protein yogurt. Let the adventures begin!