Sunday 7 April 2024

Protein bars

from ROAR by Stacy Sims and modified by Corina

1/4C Brown rice syrup
1/4C / 100g Almond butter (27g protein)
2C / 400g Chocochips (a corn flake type of high protein cereal in Germany) (50g protein)
1t Vanilla
1/4C Cranberries
1/2C / 50g Pretzels (hand crushed) (6.5g protein)

Mix well together in tupperware, pat down, apply lid, put in fridge, eat with a spoon.

83.5g protein / 15 bars = 5.6g protein/bar

Monday 1 April 2024

Milk and yogurt / milch und jogurt

 We are going to start trying to make our own high protein milk and high protein yogurt. Let the adventures begin!

Hemp milk/hanf milch

Put 100g hemp seeds (unshelled) in a blender until they are in small pieces. 30g protein/100g

Add 500ml water and blend until mixed. If using for yogurt, can just leave it like this rather than strain the milk out through a towel. 

Then add 500 ml water… need to get clearer on the instructions 

30g protein/l


Mix in a blender:
2t vegan yogurt with Lactobacilis live cultures
3C mango
2C / 237ml milk of choice 

Place on yogurt incubator at 40-47C for 8 hours

Sunday 24 September 2023

Jalapeño poppers

 by Corina

Puff pastry sheets / Blätterteig
Jalapeños (sliced)
Soft cheese - like cheezwiz (in Germany: Gouda's Glorie creamy cheese style)

Defrost, cut, and stretch out the pastry sheets. Place cheese and then jalapeños on top. Seal the edges of the pastry sheet to itself. Bake at 200C for 15 min or until golden brown on top.

Friday 8 September 2023

Fava Bean Hummus

 By Dieter

200g broad beans / dicke Bohnen (gekocht, aus einer Dose/Glas)
4T white sesame seeds / weisse Sesamsamen
1t coriander powder / Korianderpulver
1t black pepper / schwarzer Pfeffer
1t salt / Salz
1t lime or lemon juice / Limetten- oder Zitronensaft
3T olive oil / Olivenöl
5T water / Wasser

The broad beans come in two forms already cooked in a glass or dry. If they are cooked in a glass or can, cook them again in boiling water, then use them in the hummus. If the beans are dry, soak them in water for 24 hours, then boil them for 50 minutes, and either mash them with a fork or put them in the blender with the rest of the ingredients. With the dry beans, we like to leave the skins on, but if you prefer a smoother hummus, you can remove the skins after boiling.

Combine all ingredients in the blender, and mix until it is a smooth thick paste. You might have to use the pulsing function on the blender, and you can adjust the amount of water depending on how thick you want the hummus to be.

Eat with toasted pita bread or pumpkin seed crackers.

Alle Zutaten in den Mixer geben und mixen, bis eine glatte, dicke Paste entsteht. Möglicherweise muss die Pulsierfunktion des Mixers verwendet werden. Die Wassermenge kann angepasst werden, je nachdem wie dick der Hummus sein soll.

Iss mit getostete pita brot oder protein knäcke brot.

Sunday 20 August 2023

Protein boosters

g protein/100g : g protein/tablespoon

  • 80 : 7 vital wheat gluten (seitan powder)
  • 50 : 4 nutritional yeast
  • 40 : soy flakes
  • 40 : 2 soy flour
  • 30 : 3 hemp seeds
  • 27 : 3 almond butter
  • 26 : 2.5 broad (fava) beans - high in leucine 2.1g/100g (Rondanelli et al 2020) for muscle building and in L-dopamine (Bhattacharyya 2022) for restless leg syndrome (Manconi et al 2021)
  • 25 : 4 peanut butter
  • 25 : 2 peanuts
  • 21 : 2 almonds - high leucine 1.5
  • 19 : 2 sesame seeds
  • 18 : 1 flax seeds
  • 17 : 3 chia
  • 15 : ? hazelnuts 
  • 12.5 : 3 oats
  • 9 : 1 lentils
  • 9 : 1 kidney beans
  • 6 : 1 green peas


  • Add hemp seedspeanut butter, and/or soy flakes to cereal/müsli and use high protein soy milk (5g/100ml so about 12g/250ml Alpro, which is 1 breakfast)
  • Add peanuts and nutritional yeast to stir frys, noodle dishes, mac & cheese, etc.
  • Add lentils to curries
  • Add cheese sauce to anything! (8g protein - add 9g if you replace the flour w half soy flour & half vital wheat gluten)
  • Baked goods (including noodles)! Replace part of the flour with a 1:1 mixture of vital wheat gluten and soy flour. For example, if the recipe says 150g flour, use 50g of wheat gluten, 50g of soy flour, and 50g of regular flour (=65g protein with the 3 flours combined)

Snacks (g protein/snack sized amount)

  • 20g Clif Builder bar (Amazon,
  • 15g (5 nuggets) Nuggets: 3g/nugget
  • 14g (4 pieces) Puffy tofu (Komy Tofu: pate de soja frit): 30/100g & 170g pack so about 53g total, each pack has 15 pieces so 3.5g/piece (Mekong)
  • 12g Sportness vegan bar (DM)
  • 10g Alpro high protein yogurt - I can eat 200g as a snack so that's 10g (5/100g)
  • 10g IronMaxx Vegan 30 bar (Rewe)
  • 8g Dacon (tofu natur: 13/100g & use 600g/dacon batch)
  • 8g Dofurky (30/100g)
  • 8g Japanese tofu: 8g/filet
  • 5.6g/bar Protein bars

Breakfast: overnight oats = 46 g protein

  • Combine in a bowl: 100g oats, 3T soy flakes, 1T hemp seeds, 2T almonds, 200ml high protein soy milk
  • Put in fridge overnight. For breakfast, add blueberries 

Saturday 15 July 2023


 by Dieter

2 handful fresh basil leaves / 2 Hände frischer Basilikum
1 tablespoon walnuts / 1 Esslöffel Walnüsse
2 tablespoons olive oil / 2 Esslöffel Olivenöl
1 teaspoon nutritional yeast / 1 Teelöffel Nahrungshefe
1 teaspoon lime juice / 1 Teelöffel Limettensaft
1 teaspoon black pepper / 1 Teelöffel schwarzer Pfeffer
1 teaspoon salt / 1 Teelöffel Salz
1/2 teaspoon coriander powder / 1/2 Teelöffel Korianderpulver

Mix all ingredients in a blender until it forms a smooth paste. Add to your pasta of choice. Depending on how thick you like your sauce on your noodles, this amount is enough for 2-4 portions.

Alle Zutaten in einem Mixer mixen, bis eine glatte Paste entsteht. Zu den Nudeln Ihrer Wahl geben. Je nachdem, wie dick die Sauce auf den Nudeln sein soll, reicht diese Menge für 2-4 Portionen.

Thursday 13 July 2023

Strawberry shortcake

Make the biscuits and strawberries as in this Veganista recipe 

I wasn’t a fan of the coconut whipped cream linked at the recipe (overpowering coconut taste). I suggest making the whipped cream from your favorite brand. I like Rama in Germany.